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Which weight loss method is most effective? The answer is Akins diet

According to comprehensive media reports, Stanford University published the latest research results, conducting experimental research on the four most popular weight-loss methods, including “Akins diet”, which eats less starch and eats more meat. "LEARN diet" for exercise, attitude, relationship, and nutrition, "regional weight loss method" with high protein and low carbohydrate, and "Ou Ning 胥 weight loss method" for high-fiber and low-fat diet.

Through a one-year experiment conducted by 311 women, it was found that Akins was nearly twice as effective as other weight-loss methods. Women who use the Akins diet are not only the most skinny, but also the body's metabolism. Nor did it cause significant side effects.

As for the menu designed by Dr. Akins, it is designed to avoid carbohydrates or starches. For breakfast, it is recommended to have pork slices, cereals, and a low-calorie coffee. Lunch is boiled eggs and char-grilled chicken salad. For dinner, Lettuce salad with steak.

Dr. Akins believes that the principle of eating meat-healing diet is simple. Eating less carbohydrates will lower the insulin content, and will not always feel hungry, and the body will actively burn fat; but Akins The diet method, which was raised in the 1970s, has caused criticism from nutritionists that Akins advocates an unbalanced diet.

Increase vegetable intake

Although the slimming speed of this slimming method is quite attractive, the dietitian still gives advice to strengthen dietary fiber intake and avoid possible gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, bloating, constipation. It is recommended to add appropriate season vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, red and yellow peppers, cucumbers, etc. to increase vegetable intake. For adult women, the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables should be 7 (each is about the size of a fist), 9 males and 5 children to maintain the body's nutritional needs.

Eat less red meat and replace it with white meat

Although beef is a good source of food for iron, it is high in oil content and it is prone to cause carcinogen "isocyclic amine" after heating. It may increase the risk of colorectal cancer and breast cancer. It should not be eaten excessively. It is eaten twice a week. It can be used within; it can be changed to white meat such as seafood and chicken, and at the same time with a proper amount of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidant vitamins and anthocyanins.

Add the right amount of high fiber carbohydrates

In fact, carbohydrates are one of the three major nutrients that sustain human life. If you don't get enough, it will cause attention deficit and fat metabolism disorder. Therefore, it is recommended that even during weight loss, carbohydrates should be taken in moderation, such as sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

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